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Mallree! The new name of malltail Rewards

Terms of Use

> Mallree Service Terms and Conditions (2018.08.08)

Mallree Service Terms and Conditions




Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions (this “Agreement”, as it may be modified from time to time) is established guidelines on rights, duties and responsibilities of Mallree Cashback Service offered by Makeshopncompany, Inc.


Article 2 (Definition)

1.      “Service” refers to a Mallree Cashback Service which allows users who has accessed the “Mallree” (, clicks on advertisers’ link and purchases an item to earn Mallree Cash Back. Also, refer to any services you have agreed to obtain from us.  

2.      “User” refers to an individual who has accessed the Mallree website to use the services provided by the Makeshopncompany/Mallree. 


Article 3 (Display, Explanation and Amendment of Terms and Conditions of Use)

1.      Mallree shall, for easy recognition by the User, display the contents, name of company and representative, business address, phone number, fax number, email address, and the name of manager on the main page of Mallree Service.

2.      Mallree may make amendments within the permissible range without violating applicable laws and other related Consumer Protection Laws.

3.      Mallree shall specify the effective date and the reasons for amendment of the terms and have post on the initial screen for 7 days prior to effective date until the day before the effective date. If the term is modified to the User’s disadvantage, then the Mallree shall grant grace period for notice.

4.      Mallree reserves the right to modify the terms of use at any time and in our sole discretion. If any modification is unacceptable to you, you may terminate this Agreement.



Article 4 (Other Related Laws and Regulations)

Information not specified in the Terms & Conditions but prescribed under relevant Laws and Regulations shall be pursuant to such Laws and Regulations.


Article 5 (Provision of Services)

1.      Mallree shall provide following services:

a.       Cashback and Withdrawal Service

b.      Other services designated by Mallree

2.      Mallree reserves the right, at any time, to modify the service term. Revised version shall be separately notified on the Mallreee homepage.

3.      If there is no technical disruption, Mallree shall provide year-round “Service”, 24 hours a day.


Article 6 (Terms of Service)

.  1. Earning “M-Cash”

① The User, who has accessed and logged in to “Mallree”, may earn “M-Cash” by going through one of the links to any of our linked stores and completing a purchase.

② The User will earn M-Cash purchase based on the payment amount for the products purchased (excluding shipping fees, taxes, and other fees) 30 days after completing a purchase. However, for some stores this period may exceed 30 days, and the details regarding this period may be found on the store page.

③ It may take more than 30 days to earn “M-Cash” for orders over $500 USD (based on the payment amount excluding shipping fees, taxes, and other fees) or orders that are expected to receive more than $50 USD in “M-Cash”.

④ You may check earned “M-Cash” on Mallree’s My Page.

⑤ Mallree reserves the right to change the method of earning “M-Cash”, the accrual rates of “M-Cash”, or the conditions of events at any time in accordance with Mallree’s operating policy.

⑥ When making any changes referred to in ⑤ above, Mallree shall notify the User of the changes by posting the changes on Mallree or by changing the Terms of Use. The User is responsible for checking any changes to the “M-Cash” rates or earning method and the conditions for the events. Mallree shall not bear any responsibility for any inconveniences caused by failure to check for the changes mentioned above.

⑦ Mallree offers “M-Cash” for orders that were not successfully tracked through Mallree. However, Mallree will only honor these orders up to a maximum of 6 times over the period of one year (this number does not carry over). In order to request “M-Cash” for orders that did not track properly, the User must provide proof of his or her order history to Mallree.

⑧ Mallree reserves the right to deny “M-Cash” or revoke already credited “M-Cash” if the User does not provide the proper proof in accordance with ⑦ above or provides false or misleading information. Additionally, Mallree may terminate the User’s account or restrict his or her access to Mallree.

⑨ The User may submit missing order inquiries for “M-Cash” within 90 days after the order date. Mallree will not accept or review inquiries for orders that were placed more than 90 days ago at the time of inquiry.  

⑩ It generally takes up to 70 days for a missing order inquiry for “M-Cash” to be resolved after the inquiry has been made. Missing order inquiries for orders exceeding a certain amount may take longer than 70 days to be resolved.

⑪ In the case that “M-cash” was credited for a canceled order, Mallree reserves the right to revoke the credited “M-Cash” for the canceled order and will notify the User of the changes to his or her “M-Cash”.

2. How to Use “Mcash”

The User can use earned “Mcash” according to the following standards and procedures established by Mallree.

“Mcash” Payout

         a. The User can apply to exchange earned “Mcash” for cash  

         b. Exchange is allowed only for amount of min $20.00

         c. Exchange requests received before 15th of the month will be paid on the 25th of the month. If paid period falls on a holiday or weekend, it will be posted on the next business day. Refunds are paid by 15th of the month using PayPal withdrawal service in terms of amounts.

         d. Mallree shall pay the User’s refund/exchange in accordance with the last payment issue and refund/exchange requests that were made separately by the same users shall be refunded separately for each refund/exchange requests.  

         e. The User  must provide the following personal information to Mallree for the exchange of “Mcash”

                 i. Bank Account Information

                 ii. Phone Number/Contact Information

                iii. E-mail Address

         f. Mallree will not grant rewards/”Mcash” to the User providing any false or stolen information. Mallree will notify the User in regards to this issue and wait for the response until the following month (M+1) 15 days of notification. If no response is received within that time period, “Mcash” will be cancelled or re-credited to the appropriate User.

         g. Mallree will not be liable for any reward/”Mcash” losses caused by the User’s fault.  

         h. Request for cancellation is necessary. Users must cancel refund/exchange request within 15 days.

Purchase of M-Shop Mobile Coupons

         a. The User can purchase mobile coupons (referred to as “coupon” in the following text) sold through the M-Shop offered through Mallree by using “Mcash” that they have accrued.

         b. The User may purchase coupons only if they have accrued more than USD 5.00 of “Mcash”.

         c. The User must provide the following personal information in order to purchase coupons.

                 i. Mobile Phone number of the person to receive the coupons

         d. In regards to the above clause, if the User provides incorrect information which leads to a coupon being issued to the wrong person, the User will be held responsible and reissuance of the Coupon will not be possible.

         e. The User may cancel their purchase of an unused coupons that has not exceeded its expiration date through their My Page. Once your cancellation is completed you will receive the same amount of “Mcash” used to purchase the coupon.

         f. It is not possible, however, to cancel a coupon that has exceeded its expiration date. To inquire about cancelling a coupon that has exceeded its expiration date or extending an expiration date of a coupon, please contact our affiliate using the information below.

                i. Affiliate: COOP Marketing

               ii. Contact: 1644-5095

         g. MakeshopNcompany shall not be involved in the cancellation of coupons or the extension of coupon expiration dates performed between the customer and the affiliate mentioned in “f” above and will not bear any responsibilities regarding cancellation of coupons or extensions of coupon expiration dates.

Payment of Malltail Shipping Fee

         a. The user may use “Mcash” to pay for shipping fees for the Malltail service that MakeshopNcompany manages and provides.

         b. You must have more than USD 0.50 accrued “Mcash” in order to use “Mcash” to pay for Malltail shipping fees.

         c. In the case that you cancel your payment for Malltail shipping, the amount of “Mcash” you used to pay for the shipping fee will be reattributed to your account.

3.      “Mcash” Validity & Withdrawal from Service

         a.       Earned “Mcash” are valid for 5 years from date of earned.

         b.      Users of the Mallree may request, at any time, to withdraw from the Mallree Service and Mallree shall process the request. Once the withdraw process is complete, all information and points will be cancelled. Points will not be re-stored even after reactivation.

Article 7 (Service Fees)

1.      Mallree provides free Cashback Service. The Mallree Cashback Service is a free service for use by the User of Mallree. Mallree has no liability or responsibility for free of charge services. However, Mallree will be liable or responsible for any paid service regards to Mallree service.  


Article 8 (Approval and Denial of Service)

1.         Terms of use applies to Mallree users or who wish to use the Mallree service. Mallree will notify on the service page or via email for service approval.

2.         The User must agree to these terms of use and provide information that is requested from the Mallree.

3.         The User shall sign up for the Mallree Service by expressing his/her intent to agree to this Term after filling out the form created by the Mallree with Users personal information. Providing any false or stolen information will be punished to the full extent of the law and those actions will be considered a breach of the terms of use.

4.         Mallree Service applications are processed in order in which they arrived.

5.         Mallree may grant or reject a service application.


Article 9 (Temporary Suspension of Service)

1.      Mallree may temporarily suspend the service for maintenance purposes. Mallree will use reasonable efforts to reduce any disruption of Service. Upon suspension for any reason, Mallree will provide notice specifying the reason for the suspension.

2.      Mallree may temporarily suspend the service without any notice in the event of unavoidable causes such as natural disaster, act of God or other comparable force.


Article 10 (Obligations of the Mallree/Disclaimer of Warranties)

1.      Mallree shall not take any actions against public policy or actions restricted by the law and in this terms and conditions. Mallree shall put its best efforts in providing services on a stable basis in accordance with the provisions in this terms and conditions.

2.      Mallree makes no representation or warranty for the accuracy, currency, reliability, availability, or completeness of content or information found on any sites that link to or from Mallree does not accept any responsibility for technical failure or for unauthorized access of user transmissions by third parties.


Article 11 (Obligations of User)

1.      The User will not use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.

2.      The User must provide current, complete and accurate information as prompted. Mallree is not responsible for any false information or failed communication due to incorrect information provided by the User. It is users’ responsibility to ensure that all the information they provided is correct.

3.      The User shall not allow any Third Party to use his/her ID and password. If users’ information is stolen or is being used by a Third Party, the User must immediately notify Mallree, and follow the instructions of the Mallree. Mallree shall be under no liability in respect of any failure to follow the Mallree’s reasonable instructions.   

4.      The User shall avoid the following actions:

a.       Register false information at the time application or revision of information

b.      Use others’ personal information

c.       Impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.

d.      Change information displayed on the Mallree

e.       Collect or use other users personal information

f.       Post or otherwise transmit any content that contains viruses, or other harmful, disruptive or destructive materials that limit the functionality of the service or any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment.

g.      Post or transmit any unlawful, infringing, or any kind of material that encourages illegal conduct or conduct that would encourage civil liability, infringes on other’s intellectual property rights.

h.      Take any action that harms the reputation and interrupts the operation of the Mallree or a Third Party.

i.        Infringe copyright or intellectual property rights of the Mallree or the Third party.

j.        Other illegal or improper actions.


Article 12 (Provision of Information and Advertising Services)

1.      Mallree shall provide information that is deemed necessary during the use of the Service.

2.      Mallree has the right to advertise about the Service.


Article 13 (Copyright & Limitation of Use)

1.      The copyright and other service property rights for the works produced by the Mallree belongs to the Mallree.

2.      The User may not use or cause any Third Party to use information with intellectual property rights belonging to the Mallree for reproduction, transmission, publishing, distribution, broadcasting or other profit-making use without prior consent of the Mallree.


Article 14 (Protection of Personal Information)

We value your privacy so we have taken the necessary precautions in order to be in compliance with the privacy protection act. We will not distribute your personal information to any outside parties without first getting your consent.


Article 15 (Other)

1.      Mallree may modify this agreement from time to time, with or without notice, and your continued participation in the service after such modification shall be considered to be your acceptance of modification.

2.      Mallree does not share or sell your personal information to third parties

Terms history search


If you order this through Mallree you will earn
 of the purchase price within 15 days.

Accrued cash is available as a cash refund or can be used for Malltail’s shipping fee.