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  • Vitacost
  • Vitacost

    Vitacost Certified Organic Hemp Oil - Non-GMO 24 fl oz (710 mL)
    Save : $
    Date added : 2017-04-03
  • 3.0% Rewards
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Vitacost Certified Organic Hemp Oil is an edible, cold-pressed oil that can be drizzled on vegetables, salads, pasta, rice, cereal and moreor add it to yogurt or smoothies. It may also be taken alone. Hemp is a plant documented as having been cultivated for thousands of years. Its widely used today in foods and other commercial products. Hemp oil is comprised of about 80 percent essential fatty acids (EFAs). How does Vitacost Certified Organic Hemp Oil support health. The body requires a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids to maintain optimal health. The average American diet has an essential fatty acid ratio of 20-25:1. Ideally, it should be 3:1. Hemp oil can be an important addition in attempt to achieve the optimal range* Supports healthy HDL cholesterol ratios already in normal range when taking as little as two tablespoons per day* Why choose Vitacost Certified Organic Hemp Oil
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